
Additional information on various musicians and musical instrument makers will be published here.
Music of Wood - The Ethnomusicologist Dr. Ulrich Morgenstern from MDW
Dr. Phil. Ulrich MORGENSTERN presenting many old wooden instruments from around the world from Byzantine Lyra to Panduri and many others.
Music of Wood - Hurdy Gurdy & Simon Wascher
Simon Wascher, an avid hurdy-gurdy player showing the differences between his beloved hurdy-gurdies and the reason why he chooses hurdy-gurdy.
Music of Wood - Theresa Aigner with her Antique Violin
Theresa Aigner showcasing the sound and the wood from her Antique Violin and telling us why wood is so important to her.
Music of Wood - The Accordion Specialist, Marie-Theres Stickler
A video about a professional accordion player showing her passion for accordions, and including scenes of her playing schrammel harmonika with a contraguitarist at a typical Austrian wine bar.
2019 WWD Music of Wood - Wood to Rudi Pietsch
Music of 2018 WWD - Aaninka from Côte d’Ivoire
During the 2018 WWD events, a group of energetic talented musicians and dancers presented cultural performances from Ivory Coast and other African countries.
Musical instruments: Balafon, Kora, Djembe, Conga, Ahoko.
Music of 2018 WWD - Aziz Daouni
A tasteful Moroccan sound from Canada was at the 2018WWD in Siem Reap, Cambodia!
Music of 2018 WWD - Nasser MAKHOUL & Antoine DAWLATLI - Mijwiz, Tablah, Daf, Buzuq
A groovy passionate Arabic duet from Lebanon was at the 2018 World Wood Day Cambodia.
*"The mijwiz, which literally means "double" in Arabic, is a very popular instrument used in Lebanese music. It is a type of reed clarinet. It is played by breathing smoothly through a circular aperture at the end and by moving the fingers over the holes down the front of the tube in order to create the different notes. The minjjayrah is similar to the mijwiz, an open ended reed flute played in the same style. It is very popular among mountain villagers of Lebanon." *"The tablah is a small hand-drum, also known as the durbakke. Most tablahs are beautifully decorated, some with wood, tile or bone inlay, etched metal, or paintings in designs typical of the Near East. One of the most commonly played percussion instrument, the tablah is a membranophone of goat or fish skin stretched over a vase-shaped drum with a wide neck. Usually made of earthenware or metal, it is placed either under the left arm or between the legs and struck in the middle for the strong beats and on the edge for the sharp in-between beats."
*"The daf, also known as the rikk, is a popular instrument corresponding to the tambourine. It consists of a round frame, covered on one side with goat or fish skin. Pairs of metal discs are set into the frame to produce the jingle when struck by the hand. The sounds of this percussion instrument sets the rhythm of a lot of Arab music, particularly in classical performances."
*"The word buzuq comes from Turkish and occurs in bashi-buzuq, the name given to the Ottoman troops, literally meaning "burnt head" or "uprooted". The buzuq, which is an essential instrument in the Rahbani repertoire, is a hybrid instrument that is not classified among the classical instruments of Arab music or among those of Turkish music. However, this instrument may be looked upon as a larger and deeper-toned relative of the Turkish saz, to which it could be compared in the same way that the viola is compared to the violin in Western music. Before the Rahbanis popularized the use of this instrument, the buzaq had been associated with the gypsy music of Lebanon. A long-necked fretted string instrument, the buzuq is furnished with two metal strings which are played with a plectrum. Famous Lebanese players of this instrument are Zaki Nassif, Philemon Wehbe, The Rahbani Brothers, Romeo Lahoud, Walid Gholmieh, and Boghos Gelalian." * (from
Music of 2018 WWD - John Butler - Uilleann pipes
John Butler was showcasing his uilleann pipes during the 2018 WWD Cambodia.
From Wikipedia:
"The uilleann pipes are the characteristic national bagpipe of Ireland. Earlier known in English as "union pipes", their current name is a partial translation of the Irish-language term pÌobaÌ uilleann, from their method of inflation."
Music of 2018 WWD Parampara - Bansuri, Cajón, Dhimay, Tabla, Madal, Sārangī
A Calming contemporary Nepali folk band added their own unique flavors to the World Wood Day Cambodia and Laos.
Bansuri: A bansuri is a side-blown flute from South Asia found in many parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal.
Cajón: A cajón is a box-shaped percussion instrument originally from Peru, played by slapping the front or rear faces with the hands, fingers, or sometimes various implements such as brushes, mallets, or sticks.
Dhimay: Dhimay, Dhimaya or Dhime is a drum, and according to the Sachs-Hornbostel classification belongs to the category of double-headed cylindrical
Tabla: The tabla is a membranophone percussion instrument originating from the Indian subcontinent, consisting of a pair of drums, used in traditional, classical, popular and folk music.
Madal: The Madal, is used mainly for rhythm-keeping in Nepalese folk music, is the most popular and widely used as hand drum in Nepal.
Sārangī: The sārangī is a bowed, short-necked string instrument from India as well as Nepal and Pakistan which is used in Hindustani classical music.
Music of 2018 WWD - Haikuan ZHU - Sheng & Suona
"Haikuan Zhu's "suona" performance was bold and loud. The "sheng" performance was full of harmonies and Chinese flavors.
* "The sheng is a Chinese mouth-blown free reed instrument consisting of vertical pipes. It is a polyphonic instrument and enjoys an increasing popularity as a solo instrument."
* "The suona, also called laba or haidi, is a Chinese sorna. It has a distinctively loud and high-pitched sound, and is used frequently in Chinese traditional music ensembles, particularly those that perform outdoors.”
*From Wikipedia.
Music of WWD 2016 Nepal - Yueji (China)
Yueji, a traditional Chinese ensemble brought five different Chinese musical instruments to WWD 2016.
Music of WWD 2016 Nepal - Deep Beat Percussion Duo
Deep Beat Percussion Duo from China brought the exotic sound of Marimba to WWD2016 and had a wonderful collaborative performance with Shree Rudrayani Depa Dapha Khala.
Music of WWD 2016 Nepal - Atlachinolli (Mexico)
Atlachinolli is a group of musicians and dancers from Mexico. They did not just bring their ancient traditional wooden instruments with them. They also brought their colorful unique costumes and dances to WWD2016 that have brought people closer to each other.
Music of WWD 2016 Nepal - Pavel Lykoyanov, the Gusli player
Pavel Lykoyanov is a talented Gusli player from Mosco, Russia. He brought the unique sound of Gusli to the World Wood Day 2016.
Music of WWD 2016 Nepal - ART TRIO VOLNITSA from Russia
A three-piece band from Moscow, Russia participated at the WWD 2016 Nepal. The band members were Denis ZHUKOV, Pavel BOIKOV, and Vladimir DEMCHENKO. Their traditional Russian instruments were Balalaika-Prima, Bass Balalaika, and Bayan.
Music of WWD 2016 Nepal - The Alphorn Experience (Switzerland)
During their stay in Nepal, Alphorn Experience had gone beyond their tradition by collaborating with Mexican and Kuwait during the WWD2016 concert. They had also created smiles by performing and interacting with children at a school.