
Here are audio analyses and comparisons between different wooden materials and building techniques.
Millar Ukulele
This is a video about Millar Ukulele. The audiences get to see how Millar ukuleles were crafted in first part of the video. The second part is a live musical performance played with two different Millar ukuleles. The last part is audio and visual comparison between different Millar ukulele models.
Traditional Music of Turkey with Wooden Instruments
This Wood Culture tour will introduce you to the primary music genres and wooden instruments in Turkey. The musical culture of Turkey is shaped and influenced by the multiple ethnicities within Anatolia region through out history. It can be categorized into two genres, Anatolia Folk music and Ottoman/Turkish Maqam music. Traditional Instruments also fall under these categories as well. We will explore the materials the instruments are made from, their history, and the bound between the instruments and musicians.
2020 WWD Music of Wood - Plucked Strings promo
2020 WWD Music of Wood - Percussions
2020 WWD Music of Wood - Bowed Strings
2020 WWD Music of Wood - Woodwinds